Medicaid Fair Hearing

AHCA Office of Fair Hearings

Most Medicaid Fair Hearing requests must be filed with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA or Agency). When requesting a Medicaid Fair Hearing, the notice of hearing rights provides important instructions specifying whether AHCA or the Department of Children and Families (DCF) is responsible for providing a Medicaid Fair Hearing.

Requesting a Medicaid Fair Hearing from AHCA:

Requesting a Medicaid Fair Hearing from AHCA will utilize AHCA’s fair hearing intake process. A Medicaid Fair Hearing may be requested from AHCA’s Medicaid Hearing Unit intake by contacting:

Agency for Health Care Administration
Medicaid Hearing Unit
P.O. Box 60127
Ft. Myers, FL  33906
Telephone: (877)254-1055 (toll-free)
Fax: (239)338-2642

Obtaining Information from AHCA Regarding a Medicaid Fair Hearing Request:

AHCA’s Office of Fair Hearings (OFH or Office), is responsible for acknowledging Medicaid Fair Hearing requests filed with AHCA. The Office will assign a Hearing Officer who will schedule a hearing, or take other appropriate action, on the hearing request pursuant to Rule 59G-1.100, F.A.C. Contact information for the AHCA Office of Fair Hearings is:

Agency for Health Care Administration
Office of Fair Hearings
2727 Mahan Drive, MS#11
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Telephone: (850)412-3649
Fax: (850)487-1423

Your Medicaid Fair Hearing Rights

Under Federal and State Law you have the right to file a Medicaid Fair Hearing request. Below are times when you can file a Medicaid Fair Hearing request:

You must be notified of your denial, reduction, suspension or termination of services or your denial of a For Cause plan change in writing and it must include, at a minimum, instructions on:

Other Important Information: